Connecting Android Device to Ubuntu 12.04

I was trying to follow the simple “hello world” example in python-for-android, when I got to the statement:

“Plug your android device, and ensure you can install development application”

I wasn’t quite sure how to do that. In the past I have connected my phone over USB, but then it seems to mount as external storage. Anyway, I went ahead with the build command. Not surprisingly I got the error:

“[exec] error: device not found”

Turns out the missing manual is at:

That put the app on my phone (with a cool icon), but it does not work. On my phone, I get the error message:

“Could not extract public data”

I plugged my phone from my computer. Now the app works. Yippee!


Testing A Mobile Django Site on a Phone on a LAN

Getting a site to layout well on mobile can be tricky. Although there are some decent mobile emulators, I still frequently run into important differences when I view it on a real phone.

Web pages for the desktop are easy to test using the Django development server. This note describes how to browse the development server from a mobile device that is on the same LAN as the server.

    1. Connect to the LAN with your phone
    2. Get the local IP address of the computer that runs the development server. On Linux the command is ifconfig (that’s not a typo. It’s not ipconfig). My computer’s IP address is
    3. Start the development server as follows: python runserver 
    4. Start a browser on your phone
    5. Goto: http://<the server IP address>:8800  In my case that would be

You should see your website on your phone now.

Can’t Connect?

Is wi-fi on on your phone?